Japan Research Center

KimYoungkan Japan Research Center

... The Sad Korea by novelist YoungKan Kim...
  * The Sad Korean Women

  200,000 Korean women(age 12-32) did not come back to their Mother
country Korea from 1940.
  They were pulled out abroad war by japanese army during 1935-1945.
  They are raped by the japanese armies....everyday, Korean women
bloody, and dead...There were only 12 years old girls...
  But japanese have not said formally to apolize to
the Koreans until today....
  I pray for the deads of Korean women abroad.
                2000/8/15(Korean independent memory day)...........

  * Japan earns 100b$ a year.
  Korea earn 10b$ a year.
  And Japan earns 10b$ a yearfrom Korea.
  But Koreans live at the wider apartments than Japan.
  It is said Japan's country is rich, but the people is poor
in Japan.
  It is also said that the many parts of rich Japan was that of colony in Korea during 1910-1945
and Korean war in 1950-1953 and Vietnam war 1960s.

2000 Sydeny olympic was over 10/1. Korea was number 12th, Japan was 15th. From 1988 Seoul olympic, Korea has leaded to Japan. But in 1930s Berlin olympic, Korea' Son kijung was given Gold medal with Japan's name, at marathon...

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The young and Old man

                           by Korean novelist YoungKan Kim

  The young man said to old man.
  Are you not tired?
  No, I am not.
  Because I am not tired...

  The old man said to young man.
  Are you young?
  No, I am not.
  Because I am not young....

Are you really old? No I am not.... What can you do? Teaching language and literature.

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